Aren't we all wired for connection? I certainly am. Is dysfunctional connection better than loneliness? Omar Khayyam believes it's better to be alone. However, single cell punishment in prison induces a psychiatric disorder, with hypersensitivity to external stimuli, hallucinations, panic attacks, cognitive deficits, obsessive thinking and paranoia.
Well, probably Omar Khayyam wasn`t talking about that extreme degree of isolation. He probably meant a lack of deeper personal connections like friendship or love.
Superficial connections are everywhere - just take a walk or go shopping. Some people used to shallow talks in the family, even with close relatives. Everything goes as expected, everything follows a certain protocol. Be kind, polite, do your part. Don`t ask uncomfortable questions. Avoid any controversial topics. Anything that can hurt. My family is like this.
Empty shell of a true connection. Just enough to keep you from going crazy as a single cell prisoner. So here I am, a rebel inside, but still kinda afraid to break my mom's rules.
Going through a midlife crisis, my son said, looking at all psychology books coming to our mailbox.
My son is fluent in sarcasm…