In the past few months, I became a huge fan of Jane Austen movies. My favorite is Emma released in 2020.
I used to like drama, action and adventure movies, but I guess with the amount of drama in real life I need something silly, pretty and comforting to balance all the tragedies. I used to think that all these historical-romantic comedies are made for not-super-smart people who are lucking romance in real life. And now look at me, here I am. Well, both characteristics may very well be applied to me, if I am being honest. So, what the hell do I like about the movie so much that I watched it at least four or five times?
First, it`s visually pleasing. It`s almost theatrical in a way that all the costumes match the character’s hair, trees, buildings and the sky. Every scene looks like a beautiful painting. And I must admit it gets on my nerves that in the US you are expected to dress like you are going to take trash out. Sweatpants and a tee, babe. Wear it everywhere – to work, shopping, meetings with friends. Don`t you dare to put on a feminine dress, you are going to be asked by a coworker, where are you going after work – a date, a concert? And I love to wear feminine dresses, not the “sexy” sort, that shows a lot of skin, but kind of modest stylish type. Sometimes I challenge people around me by putting on something a little more feminine and put-together, and it makes me happy that every once in a while my neighbor and my friends also wear nice dresses for no reason. Thanks God, I think the trend is changing. I like to see men and women that are pleasing to my eyes, and by that I don`t mean like fashion-magazine type beauty. I notice small details. I want to understand something about the person by the way s/he looks. And I enjoy old masters’ paintings, more natural and sophisticated color combinations, and some imperfections that make it all more realistic.
Second, I like how well Jane Austen paints relationships. How her characters grow as the movie progresses. Different facets of affection and personalities. How different types of people overcome hardships, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. How people screw up and what do they do with it. I can find quite a few examples of similar behavior patterns in real life.
And third, I love the good endings and that tragedies in her movies are not that bad. Lovers get happily married after being separated, sick girl recovers, a guy stripped of inheritance find a way to make a decent living. I am all for it, the comfort of knowing everybody is well after all.