What can we argue about? How charged the topic is?
Vegan or Paleo? 72%
Vaccinate or not? 84%
Biden or Trump? 99.78%
Does God exist? 61.3%
Calculate how likely we will greet each other next time we meet ???

Being agreeable is a good thing. We want to know that we are accepted, our opinion matters, what we are doing is appreciated.

But we need arguments too. It`s too boring to live in the echo chamber. And search engines are deepening society’s division by feeding us news already aligned with our views.

We live in our bubble, and mostly talk to likeminded people.  We are afraid of disagreement. It`s easy way out of dialogue to paint an opponent as morally inferior.

I remember Ben Shapiro was trying to discuss 2nd amendment with the show host, and the host kept claiming that Ben Shapiro is somehow morally defective, how dare he and that he doesn`t care for kids who died in mass shootings.

I am longing for real dialogue. To talk to people who are not scared to be exposed to different opinions. Who are not afraid to argue, to be even emotional. To be real.

We can emerge from under the wave of argument unharmed, if we can only manage to be honest and respectful.

I know a couple where wife is anti-vax and she doesn`t do any vaccinations, and her hubby follows his doctor`s advice religiously, and he of course is fully vaccinated.

They have no problems accepting each other the way they are. Isn`t it a great example to follow.

To have a real conversation where you can feel free to disagree is one of the most human experiences. You can get affection from your pet, but can you have an argument with your cat or dog? Prove him wrong? Agree to disagree? Accept his point of view?